• 3210 Rouse Rd, Orlando, FL 32817

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Property Details

Multifamily, Student Housing or Single Family Development Opportunity

The 5.49 (+/-) acre site is located on high traffic Rouse Road in Seminole County, Fl within 1.5 miles of the University of Central Florida.
The property is zoned Residential with a future land use of Medium Density Residential which could potentially allow up to 20 residential units per acre.
Based on the zoning and location the highest and best use of the property would likely be the development of a small apartment project or most likely student housing due to the demand for student based goods and services near the Universities core complex. 2.08 (+/-) acres of the property are designated as wetlands, leaving potentially 3.41 (+/-) acres for development. The western edge of the property adjoins the Little Econlockhatchee River.

  • Property Type
  • Submarket
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  • Property ID