Are you a CRE professional?

OfficeSpaceis here to help

Call us to make edits, claim a listing, or to learn more about what has to offer. Accurate and complete listing

information results in up to 5 times more tenant contacts.

(800) 560-3544

Calling about 375 N Main St, Alpine, UT 84004?
For faster service, reference this property ID: 2013663

How can we help?

Wondering how we got your listing?

We get our property information from company feeds, listing aggregators, IDXs, brokerage firms, building owners, property managers, user-generated information and publicly available sources. We also have databases for commercial properties in the US going back to 1995.

Need to claim a building or update a listing? Give us a call at (800) 560-3544.

Not recognizing the phone number associated to you?

Rest assured it’s not a mistake! The number displayed for you on allows us to provide you with caller ID intelligence. When users call that number, the call will automatically route to your own number.

Want to confirm the number that we have on file or learn more about our caller ID feature? Reach us at (800) 560-3544.


  • Over 200,000 tenants search nationwide every month.
  • Unlike other major listing services, there are no fees to add your listings.
  • Tenants can search through Listings for as long as they want with no paywalls.

Are you a listing broker?

Feature your listings for up to 10 times more leads.

Are you a tenant rep?

Reach qualified tenants by joining our Tenant Connect program.

We have listings represented by over

100,000 brokers across the nation


The use of has enhanced my ability as a broker tenfold. I truly cannot imagine getting going without a service like this.
Sam DeVorris

Sam DeVorris



I Just wanted to take a minute to outline the amazing results I have had since becoming part of the team. Over the last 9 months I have successfully closed 9 lease transactions and one escrow. I never would have imagined this was possible. My pipeline has grown by 40% in the last 9 months and continues to grow monthly. I would highly recommend this platform to both real estate professionals and business owners alike.
Kevitt Sale

Kevitt Sale

Orange County

Lee & Associates

I have been an client since early 2015. I have found their service to be cost effective way to generate new office leads.
Jeff York

Jeff York


Lee & Associates

(800) 560-3544

Calling about 375 N Main St, Alpine, UT 84004?
For faster service, reference this property ID: 2013663