• Indianola Canyon Rd, Indianola, UT 84629

This property isn't on the market right now.

Property Details

Driving Directions: Latitude 39.816000, Longitude -111.437889 Type this into google maps to find the exact location of this property.
Agt Remarks: Input the GPS coordinates into google maps to find location. This property is off the grid. There are no public utilities available, power, water, or sewer. To have utilities on the property, the owners would need to drill a well, put in a septic tank, and install solar panels. The city will not allow anything to be built on this property unless it goes through the rezoning process.
This property is zoned in as a Critical Environmental 1 area. Conditional uses for mining, hunting, camping, and more.

  • Property Type
  • Total Acres
  • Property ID