#CRE a Little Spam Sandwich For Everyone?

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Social Media is all you hear about these days and Commercial Real Estate is catching this wave.

But I have to ask, why does it seem that the twitter #CRE is a regurgitation of other’s breaking news retweeted to insure that the headline has been reinforced subliminally?  Is anyone really responding to the new “hot” listing via twitter? Is this just the nature of twitter? or are we taking the proverbial ‘first steps on the moon’? Am I just missing the point?

I especially love some of the well respected tweeps start talking about the spamminess of #CRE yet they too are contributing their share of 150 or so retweets/day.  I guess we are all guilty of this and the sense of lost opportunities by not getting on the social media express is tough to ignore.

I certainly don’t have the answers but would love to hear from you!

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